Rose Bouquet
Rose Bouquet
AED 191.00
Our artificial Rose Bouquet is a timeless blend of elegance and enduring beauty featuring lifelike roses in full bloom arranged to perfection. Ideal for brightening any space, from home decor to special events, this bouquet offers the charm of fresh flowers all year round without the need for maintenance.
Color: White
Height: 28cm / 11"
Dia: 20cm / 7.9"
All Bloomr products are Indoor products. We do not recommend our products for outdoor use.
We recommend you keep products out of direct sunlight, as the sun will fade the colors.
For Faux Flowers, Plants & Trees: Your faux florals and plants should be cleaned and dusted regularly. We recommend the use of a feather duster or swiffer duster to dust the items. You can use a damp cloth to wipe the leaves and faux water, but do not use a damp cloth on the silk florals, as it may damage or alter the color. Most plants can be wiped with a damp cloth, with the exception of flowering plants.